Wednesday is World Aids Day

World Aids Day takes place each year on December 1st. This day is an opportunity for everyone to come together and show support for those living with HIV or those who have lost their life or a loved one to HIV.

HIV is a virus that attacks the body's immune system. If left untreated, it can leads to AIDS, which is why it is so important that you be tested if you suspect you have HIV.

Here at LaSante Health Center, we stand in unity with our community to show support for those who are currently living with HIV and to remember those who have been lost to the disease. As a health center that is actively involved in the community, we have seen firsthand the need for better care for HIV patients, which is why we offer clinical and mental health services for those living with HIV. 

Picture of Katherine Griffitts Katherine Griffitts As a former Journalist with a background in both politics and healthcare, Katherine Griffitts brings an exceptional level of expertise to the table in blog writing while sticking to the hard facts. She's thorough in her research and writes on only the most important of ideas for LaSante Health Center.

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