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Glaucoma services offered in Brooklyn, NY

Over three million Americans have glaucoma, which is often called the silent thief of sight. LaSante Health Center in the Prospect Lefferts Gardens area of Brooklyn diagnoses and treats glaucoma, protecting your eye health and preventing vision loss and blindness. If you’re due for an eye exam or concerned about your eye health, call LaSante Health Center in New York City, or schedule an appointment online today.

Glaucoma Q & A

What is glaucoma?

Glaucoma is an eye disease that causes pressure to increase inside your eye, which can damage your optic nerve and lead to blindness. 

You have tiny openings in your eye between your iris and cornea called drainage angle — which is the angle referred to in the types of glaucoma. This drainage angle allows extra fluid to leave your eye.

There are two types of glaucoma: open-angle and closed-angle. 

Open-angle glaucoma

Open-angle glaucoma is the most prevalent type of this eye disease. It develops when your eye doesn’t drain effectively, but your drainage angles are open. Open-angle glaucoma usually develops gradually.

Closed-angle glaucoma

Closed-angle glaucoma develops when your drainage angles are blocked. It usually occurs when your iris is too close to the drainage angle and prevents fluid drainage. Closed-angle glaucoma typically develops as an acute attack, and your eye pressure increases rapidly. Closed-angle glaucoma is an eye emergency and needs immediate treatment.

What are the warning signs of glaucoma?

Open-angle glaucoma doesn’t cause symptoms in its early stages — the only way to protect your vision and eye health is to have routine eye exams that include glaucoma screenings. 

Many patients don’t know they have open-angle glaucoma until their vision is permanently damaged. 

Closed-angle glaucoma, on the other hand, causes the rapid onset of symptoms, including:

  • Blurry vision
  • Severe eye pain
  • Headache
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Rainbow-colored halos around lights

If you notice these symptoms, call an eye health care provider at LaSante Health Center immediately for advice on getting the treatment you need. 

How is glaucoma diagnosed?

One of the most common screening tests for glaucoma is noncontact tonometry (NCT) — the clinical term for the “puff of air” test. If your NCT results show elevated eye pressure, your eye doctor performs a more thorough exam to identify glaucoma.

Your optometrist measures your eye pressure more precisely. They also examine your drainage angles and your optic nerve. They measure the thickness of your cornea and test your peripheral — side — vision. 

How is glaucoma treated?

LaSante Health Center provides customized treatments for glaucoma. For example, in many cases, your eye doctor can prescribe medicated eye drops to lower your eye pressure. The drops either improve your eye drainage or reduce the amount of fluid in your eye. 

In some cases, your eye doctor might refer you for traditional or laser surgery to open your drainage angle.

In addition to glaucoma, LaSante Health Center optometrists also diagnose and treat cataracts, dry eyes, and red eyes. 

Call LaSante Health Center or make an appointment online today if you’re due for an eye exam or concerned about glaucoma.